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Asdiwal 18 (2023)
Table des matières
Willi Braun
Ann Taves
Claude Calame
Le concept de « religion » en question : entre paradigme christianocentré et relativisme anthropologique
Bruce Lincoln
Reflexions on the Genre of Myth
David Graeber and the Religions of the Mediterranean Antiquity
Dossier édité par William Arnal et Eduard Iricinschi
William Arnal et Eduard Iricinschi
Introduction : Thinking about the Past — and a Future ? — with David Graeber
Thibaud Nicolas
Inventing Money and Cancelling Debts : On Graeber’s Use of Mesopotamian Documentation in
Debt, the first 5000 years
Pierluigi Lanfranchi
David Graeber and the Economy of Sacrifice
Carlin Barton
The Governing Emotions of Humans in Society with Other Animals
Andrea Annese
Jesus, Debt, and Society : Bringing David Graeber into Dialogue with Social-Scientific Research into the Historical Jesus
William Arnal
An Anarchist Meets the Demiurge : Power and Utopia in
Hypostasis of the Archons
Bruno Karsenti
La mission des juifs, d'hier à aujourd'hui. Relire
Pax Nostra
de Gaston Fessard
Catherine Dabro-Peschanski
Jean-Louis Durand ou le carrefour en Y
Comptes rendus
Miriam Benfatto
Gesù frainteso. La polemica ebraica anticristiana nel Sefer ḥizzuq emunah di Yiṣḥaq ben Abraham Troqi (c. 1533-1594)
Rome, Viella, 2022 (Daniel Barbu)
Yann Berthelet, Bruno Rochette éds.
L’Astrologie et les empereurs romains. 150 ans après Cumont
Liège, Presses Universitaires de Liège, 2022 (Fabio Spadini)
Katell Berthelot
Jews and Their Roman Rivals. Pagan Rome’s Challenge to Israel, Princeton
Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2021 (Michaël Girardin)
Marinella Ceravolo
L’historiola nella Mesopotamia antica. Mito, rito e performatività
Roma, Bulzoni, 2022 (Beatrice Baragli)
Alexandra Dardenay, Laurent Bricault éds.
Gods in the House. Anthropology of Roman Housing - II
Turnhout, Brepols, 2023 ; (Beatriz Pañeda Murcia)
Serge Dunis
L’ours, la vague et la lionne. Anthropologie de la mort en couches
Paris, CNRS éditions, 2022 (Christophe Lemardelé)
Christophe Grellard
La Possibilità dell’errore. Pensare la tolleranza nel Medioevo
Rome, Aracne, 2020 (Emily Corran)
Jason Ananda Josephson Storm
Metamodernism : The Future of Theory
Chicago, Chicago University Press, 2021 (Giulia Bertoli Miraglia)
Aaron J. Kachuck
The Solitary Sphere in the Age of Virgil
Oxford – New York, Oxford University Press, 2021 (Coralie Santomaso)
Bruce Lincoln
Religion, Culture, and Politics in Pre-Islamic Iran: Collected Essays
Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2021 (Sepide Taheri)
Alessia Lirosi, Alessandro Saggioro éds.
Religioni e parità di genere: percorsi accidentati
Rome, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2022 (Andrea Priori)
Tanya Luhrmann
Le feu de la présence. Aviver les expériences de l’invisible
Bruxelles, Vues de l’esprit, 2022 (Nicolas Meylan)
Nicolas Meylan
The Pagan Earl. Sigurðarson and the Medieval Construction of Old Norse Religion
Odense, University Press of South Denmark, 2022 (Chen Cui)
Sara Petrella
Quand les dieux étaient des monstres. La Mythologie hybride de Natale Conti e Vincenzo Cartari
Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2023 (Paola von Wyss-Giacosa)
Rady Roldán-Figueroa
The Martyrs of Japan : Publication History and Catholic Missions in the Spanish World (Spain, New Spain, and the Philippines, 1597-1700)
Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2021 (Stefano Rodrigo Torres)